3,885 acres of owned forests and wetlands...

The preservation of viable native wildlife populations, species of concern, public recreational access, water quality, forest and agricultural resources, beauty and ecological integrity are key focuses of our efforts. 

Our first major land acquisition was the Heald and Bradley Reserve, made possible through the generous support of many in the form of donations, gifts and grants.

RESERVES VS. PRESERVES-WHAT’S IN A NAME: The Greater Lovell Land Trust distinguishes the properties it owns that host trails and other infrastructure to enhance public access as Reserves. With a focus on wildlife habitat and traditional human uses, we considered these other owned properties preserves.

Our properties are open to hunting!

Nearly all of our reserves and preserves are open to hunting, subject to Maine state regulations. While there are hunting seasons throughout the year, the fall is particularly active.

Please take the necessary precautions. For more information check out Maine Inland Fisheries & Wildlife: https://www.maine.gov/ifw/hunting-trapping/index.html


See something on our trails that you think we should know about? Please report it.

Whether you are a Groundhog or not!